ARC-1 Does the architecture communicate an adequate vision of the system that will direct further design activities?
ARC-2 Is the architecture well organized and provide a concise system overview, background information, constraints, and a clear organizational structure for all downstream designs?
ARC-3 Is the architecture designed to accommodate likely changes?
ARC-4 Does the architecture stay above detailed design and user interface design activities?
ARC-5 Do the dependencies between different architectural views hold together?
ARC-6 Is the system architecture, including the data flows, control flows, high-level elements, and interfaces, clearly represented?
ARC-7 Are fine grain element details omitted and left to subsequent design artifacts?
ARC-8 Does the architecture cleanly decompose the top-level elements of the system?
ARC-9 To the extent possible, is the architecture independent of the technology that will use used to implement it?
ARC-10 Does the architecture take into account technology or other constraints that cannot be avoided, i.e., can the architecture be implemented for the target environment?
ARC-11 Have you used round-trip design, selecting the best of several attempts? Are reasons listed for the discounted alternatives?
ARC-12 Does the architecture differentiate between the problem-domain, the user-interface, task-management, and data-management? If not, is the lack explained and justified?